Rock'n'Roll With...

The Zetetics

That's right boys and girls. The Zetetics have finally produced their debut album Cosmic Trigger Majik.

This page will give you links to free downloads of songs off their album, info about them and where they might pop up next.

You can also check out our Links Pages, below,for links to mp3 sites, band resources and other bands we think you might like.

The Zetetics is Rock'n'Roll at it's Purest. No additives, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors or fillers. Just straight to your heart, fat and cholesterol filled Rock!!! Our focus is to pull out what was good from Rock'n'Roll in days past and blend it with the Rock sounds of today. We feel that corporate Rock is hitting it's low. Not enough style or variety. Too many albums where you heard the first track and you may as well heard them all. And too many tunes written around angst. We want to bring back the Rock that was fun and powerful. Well, that's the kind of Rock we play, and with a variety of styles to keep you going through our whole CD.

Here's what one reviewer said about our music,"The Zetetics are what you'd (want to) expect a good rock band to sound like. They've got an "in your face" slammin' punch about their music." It's like we've always said. The Zetetics have the Rock you've been looking for, but haven't been able to find. Don't listen to us or a reviewer though, listen to our music and decide for yourself. The Zetetics, three musicians, three different styles, one unique sound!!!

The Zetetics Free Downloads - Link to Us

The Zetetics History

The Zetetics was, originally, formed in Lake Tahoe as The Doctors of Bedlam. Roger Gonzales had been playing in various bands for 25 years and even put together a band to open for Creedence Clearwater Revisited, but felt it was time to move on to his own music. Through acquaintances , he hooked up with Kyle Gilbert. Together with Roger's brother and his roommate they created The Doctors of Bedlam. They played clubs about Lake Tahoe and Reno for four years. Knowing the area was not friendly to original music they decided to use the time to hone their music and stage presence.

In the spring of 1998 Roger and Kyle moved to Vancouver WA to take their next step. The other musicians had dropped off so, the need for a new bass player arose. They met with Jake Curry through an ad at a local music store. Jake was new to the music world, but had more drive to learn than a twelve year old scholar at MIT. Within a couple of months the name had been changed to The Zetetics and the band had a bass player that could gel the band's music without the aide of a fourth member. The Zetetics decided to stay a three piece to allow each other the openness to play with feeling and depth, rather than a technical, step by step process which would squelch each others individual styles.

Now we have The Zetetics today, who through their unconventionalism, has developed the Rock 'n' Roll sound they want with a unique, fresh style yet to be heard in the upper echelons of the music industry.

The Zetetics is comprised of:

ROGER'GONZO'GONZALES-Guitars,Vocals,Lyrical Genius

JAKE'KING SNAKE'CURRY-Bass Guitar,Unexplained Seismic Activity

KYLE'KYELZBUUB'GILBERT-Drums,Percussion,General Bedlam

You can order your own copy of Cosmic Trigger Majik. Just send a check to:

Roger Gonzales

13815 NE 29th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98686-2828

CD's are $10.00 + $1.50 s/h.

WA residents please include sales tax.

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